Thursday, 18 July 2013

Masilo Calvin Maenetja



This book is an autobiography about the life of a Bi-vocational Pastor, whose determination to serve God led him to accept one of the most challenging positions in the Church of the Nazarene: to serve as the District Superintendent of a vast District with three zones, which each one of the zones equals to some of the small Districts in the Church of the Nazarene.
It is worth noting that this spiritual giant, who is a qualified teacher and in full service in one of the schools in Department of Education in Limpopo Province in South Africa, to empower the African children with the valuable future, was also serving as full time Pastor of Thabeng Church of the Nazarene.
North East District was faced with the retirement of the longest serving District Superintendent, and all fingers pointed at Rev Maenetja to take the District forward. He was faced with  rare and gigantic responsibilities: Full time teacher, Full time family man, as well as FULL TIME DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT, which is why the main theme of this book is: IT IS POSSIBLE!
This Pastor has proved that IT IS POSSIBLE for anyone to serve God in the midst of various challenges and responsibilities, only when one avail oneself to Him. He led this District for seven years, during which he displayed faithfulness, courage, determination, creativity, energetic and unwavering faith. He was elected and re-elected by District members, and calmly and willingly stepped out of the office of the District Superintendent position with dignity, giving the younger generation to take up the reigns.


I, Masilo Calvin Maenetja was born  04.09.1953 of Christian parents: Wilton Chenchi Maenetja, my father, who was a Pastor and later became District superintendent, and my mother Sophy Mankwana Maenetja who was a devoted Christian. I cherish Thabeng Church of the Nazarene Mission Station, for being the place where I was born in the clinic and welcomed to earth by Christian nurses.
I had rough childhood experiences which I believe were to shape my future adult life, especially in serving God. When my Dad received a call to full time ministry in the early sixties, and had to move to LSM Bible College, I and my siblings remained home to be cared for by our grandmother. Grandmother recalls how she miraculously saved me from falling from her back into a blazing hole which she was using to burn in order to strengthen her clay pots. During the same period, God saved my life from typhoid that claimed many young lives. God also kept us safe during the severe famine which killed so many children from pellagra and malnutrition. Although I was still very young, I recall how God provided “quails” which older boys would catch for meals, and how my grandmother’s cat came to our rescue by killing these “quails” and brought them so we could also have food. Yes, indeed God is our Provider!
As I was growing up, I was sent to Alexandra Township to stay with my Aunt and Uncle who did not have children of their own. Township life was so hard and rough, dominated by Msomi and Spoilers gangsters, a complete different life from the peaceful Mission life I was so used to at Thabeng Mission. The family life was also contrary to that of my parents. This was because my uncle was a heavy drinker that led to quarrels and resulted in the marriage falling apart and I had to return home. That experience made me to realize how fortunate I was to be born in a Christian family.


I started school at Thabeng and Moime Nazarene Primary Schools. At Bokgaga High School ( 1969 - 1973), life was very challenging with bad influence and ideologies against Christianity. I had to be strong in faith and constantly reminded myself of the Christian values I learnt and lived by since my childhood. Such criticisms did not lead to despair, but strengthened my Christian conviction and the unconditional love and the amazing grace of our Creator.
After completion of my high school studies, I proceeded to Sekhukhune College of Education where I qualified as a teacher in 1976. I was then appointed as a teacher at Rathane Primary School (Zoeknog) from 1977. I continued to further my studies on part time basis with Vista University where I obtained Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) in 1998, and Secondary Education Diploma (SED) in 1986. I then obtained Advanced Certificate in Education, specializing with Education Management on 04 05 2011at University of South Africa.  


My call into the ministry was not as dramatic as we read of several Bible characters, such as Moses, Samuel, or even the Disciples in the New Testament. What is clear is that God prepared me over a period of time to become a Pastor and to serve him in various ways. Mission station exposed me to Bible College students of the sixties, who spent their holidays working at Thabeng. My interaction with them made me realize that God calls people to His work in different ways.
During the late eighties,  I noticed that young people were no longer interested in heeding for the call to the Bible College, some of those who went there could not finish their studies due to misconduct, and to crown it all, our Pastors were of the same age; that meant that they will retire at the same time and our District will have no pastors in the long run. Surprisingly, I started to see myself addressing many people. That happened very often when I was alone. Little did I know that God was calling me  to be a Pastor.
When the burden in my heart was too heavy to keep to myself, I shared with my dear wife and my parents. I received a wonderful support from all of them. When my study leave was denied, I resigned from work and was miraculously re-instated and study leave granted without pay for the period of my studies at Nazarene Theological College at Muldersdrift during the years 1990 t0 1993. As I was to depart to the Bible College, I was attacked by a strange illness all doctors I consulted with could neither diagnose nor cure. A severe pain that attacked the back of my head down to my neck made my throat dry and affected my voice to be low. Despite my afflictions, I accepted the advice of my precious wife to trust God and went to the Bible College in 1990 where I obtained Bachelor in Theology  in 1993. I am currently registered with UNISA for an Honours  Degree in Bachelor of Theology on the New Testament.


The first semester at the Bible College was  full of confusion which was twofold: firstly, instead of studying the Bible, we were taught Humanities; secondly, the College was an encounter of various cultures and ethnic groups. Each one had to learn and understand the other College students’ culture while maintaining own identity. It was a challenging experience to embrace culture and use it as a vehicle to reach out to one another in the one Christian faith that we all professed.
God led and guided me all my College years. I recall a horrifying incident one afternoon after I finished my examination. There was a severe thunderstorm and heavy rain. I took a book about Paul’s Life on my bedside and started to read. Within seconds, I found myself surrounded all over with fire, my wardrobe torn apart, white pillow case black with smoke! The lightning got inside the thatched chalet through a broken telephone line. God miraculously saved me, not one of my hairs was burnt. This confirmed to me that indeed God has called me to serve Him in the Church of the Nazarene.
Again, one day when all students went to a certain function at the nearby Lodge, I remained alone, deep in my studies the whole day. My mind was in the books and as well as the field of work I was about to embark on. At about three o’clock in the morning, a voice woke me up from sleep asking “who are you?” I woke up, shivering with fright, I pulled the blanket to cover my head. It was silent. Up to date I still grapple with the answer to the voice which vividly asked me the question. I believe that I am God’s co-worker. I am constantly reminded of John 15 that the Lord Jesus is the true vine and I am the branch; and so I am prepared to take my role as a branch and allow Him to bless His nation through me.


I married Motsatsi Joyce Maenetja in 1981. She is the precious gift from God, my companion, advisor and more than anything, the love of my life. Without her understanding, love, support and willingness to sacrifice, it would have been very difficult to realize my goal to serve God. God blessed us with a son Mafunyane and two daughters: Mammola and Morokapula. The full support of my family enabled me to succeed in doing the work of God. They are all hospitable, caring, loving to all people they met and those who visited our home. It blesses my heart to recall how they welcomed guests, cooked and serve food and in several occasions washed their clothes. This is what they have to say:


I was terrified when my husband was elected to be District Superintendent, realizing that it was a huge task on top of our circumstances. Together we agreed that if it is the will of God, who are we to refuse? God is faithful and just, because going with him to various churches, I found myself gaining a lot from Sunday School lessons. The road was not easy, for there was a lot to be done, and at one stage he collapsed from stress that resulted from fatigue. In certain occasions, I could notice that he was depressed, but refused to talk about the cause of his pain, saying that he does not want to inflict the same pain to me. However, I am a lucky woman to be married to him because he went with me to the General Assembly in America, the place I never dreamt I will ever go in my life.


Thank you, Dad for bringing me up, and teaching me the Word of God from day one to now. You have been there for me during good and bad times. Thank you for your moral and financial support as well as not giving up on me regardless of the wrong choices I may have made in the past. You taught me to put God first in all I do in order to succeed. Above all, you played your part to me and my siblings by teaching us and sharing everything with us , including the realities of life. In so saying, if we do not make it to heaven, you are not to be blamed, because we know the truth. Thank you for the words you planted in my life: “What a man thinketh, so is he”, for this is my secret of how I approach life and they have been working for me to this day. Lastly, may God bless you with many more years.


Mom, I have learnt a lot from the way you played your role as a Pastor’s wife. I have learnt to welcome and accept people in our home. I have seen in you a woman of God, who trusts God in all situations, who set an example for me that prayer move mountains. I say this because I came to be saved through your prayers. I know that you pray for all of us by names, and pray for other Christian leaders by name. You taught me to put God first, for I have seen how you supported Dad, going everywhere with him to do God’s work even when you were tired after knocking off from work. You are my role model.
Dad, you taught me so much in the manner in which you worked for God. You left home very early due to work, and came home late due to God’s work. We missed you a lot at home because of all the responsibilities you were shouldering. We observed that most of the time you were exhausted, and sometimes in pain you could not hide from us. You have taught us that there are rewards for hard work in the manner in which we celebrated one another’s successes at home.
When you confided to us that you intend stepping down as District Superintendent, I have learnt that you are unselfish, for you do not want to occupy a position while unfruitful, but gave way so that those that are able can go on. You are my role model, because you are a father not only to us, but to so many young people in whom you have impacted their lives, and so wish they could have been born in this family.


Dad, you are a caring, loving and hard worker. You have always encouraged us to work hard for a bright future. You have been very supportive and it is always fun to be with you. I know you don’t talk much when I made you angry, but you will speak once, the truth that hurts. I know you are dedicated in what you do in the ministry and that you enjoy helping people. Too often I thought my Daddy loves the Church more than his family. There were times of my birthdays when you could not be there because you were at NTC for Pastors’ graduations. At times when we were to go out and someone from the church arrive and tell you that there is a sick person, you would let us alone and attend to them.  Mom had to console me all the time that it was your job. As I grow up, I now understand that teaching and helping people is your passion.  Oh! I nearly forgot, mom and dad, you are a blessing, and together you make a full package. If I were to choose parents, I would not choose any other except both of you.


I had experiences that tore my heart but at the same time strengthened my faith as Paul says  “For when I am weak then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12: 10b).  The first experience was when my mother was struck by severe stroke which led to her passing on after some days. This was followed by devastation that led to the passing on of my father a few days later.  I found myself walking in the valley of the shadow of death. I was helped by Christians and Pastors who constantly comforted us with the Nazarene Hymns, sermons and encouraging words as we face the burial of both of our parents on the same day.
The second incident was when my brother committed suicide by hanging himself inside the garage in his home. It is surprising how God prepares His children to face the future, because as I was reading the book of Joshua 1: 6-7: “Be strong and courageous …….”, I received a call from my brother’s wife to rush to their  home.  I was shocked, frightened and devastated by what I saw that day. I battled with unanswered questions, until God comforted me to accept situations that I do not have control. I came to understand and deal with family deaths in a meaningful way. God prepared me to reach out to grieving families, approaching death as inevitable, regardless of how it happened and those directly affected by bereavement.


Upon completion of my studies at NTC, I returned home at Thabeng. I was assigned Thabeng Church of the Nazarene as a full time Bi-vocational Pastor from June 1993 to 2006 when I was elected District Superintendent. On 08.01.1998 I was ordained as Church Elder by General Superintendent Paul Cunningham in Swaziland Pigs Peak.  Being in the Pastorate, I cultivated the habit of reading and studying the Word of God: meditating upon it day and night. I had already accepted that the grace of God is sufficient for me, and that I will live with the thorn of affliction in my body. This was not to be, for God taught me a lesson that He acts at His own time to meet our needs. One day as I was reading and meditating upon the Word of God, I suddenly felt my body renewed and completely healed. At once I stood up and conveyed the good news to my wife, together we praised God. Indeed, the Word of God is alive and gives life.
I have good memories of church members of all ages who love the Lord with all their hearts. Through Pastoral work, I came to share in the joys of members as they accept the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour, as they get baptised. I learnt a lot from the way in which these members taught Sunday School lessons and NMI . It blessed my heart to witness the growth of our youth and entering into Holy Matrimony. What a wonderful experience when brethren dwell together in unity!


During the District Assembly in January 2006, the longest serving District Superintendent, Rev M.W Makhubele retired from this office and there was a need to fill the gap. Through the voting process, I was elected to be District Superintendent. I actually refused to accept the position in view of the responsibilities that were ahead of me: District Superintendent, family man and my work. I was given chance to discuss with my wife. Together we concluded that if God directs His people to elect us, we should accept, for it will not be by might nor by power of our own effort, but it will be God working through us.
The experience of serving in the Regional Advisory Council, as well as the General Board proved to be valuable tools that I needed in my position as District Superintendent. I came to understand that the main goal of the existence of the church is to grow in quantity and in knowledge of God. That is why I pursued church growth throughout the District during my term of office. The following are activities that the District managed to do during my term of office:


We managed to have special dinner with District Superintendent Emeritus, Rev M.W. Makhubele as District Advisory Board and their spouses at Magoebaskloof Hotel, following the District Assembly at the beginning of 2006. In March 2006, we conducted his farewell function which was well attended by Pastors and members from our District and neighbouring Districts as well as regional and NTC staff. It was indeed a blessed service crowned by Dr E Letswele who was the guest speaker.


Together with representatives from Evangelism, church property and finance, we drew a program that engaged us in visits to most of the local churches to meet with the church boards and pastors. We encouraged them to work towards church growth,  ensure their churches have title deeds and have a proper way of managing their finances. We further encouraged good working relationship between the pastors and the church as this is the driving force towards accomplishment of the set goals


It was in 2008 when our District sent two delegates to attend the church planting seminary in Durban. This was just the beginning, because in the Church Planting Movement, held at Emmarentia Geldehuis near Bela-bela  (Warmbath), our District managed to send 19 members. The team from the Horn of Africa challenged us to respond to the Great Commission. Such an ernomous motivation resulted in the following rallies:


In January 2009, a District Rally, which coincided with the District Assembly was held at Lenyenye Stadium to celebrate the 100 years of the existence of the Church of the Nazarene. This occasion was graced by the visit of Dr Jerry Potter, The then General Superintendent  for Africa. Members of the Church in the District were determined for the success of this rally by offering what they had: Tents, stage, musical instruments, videos, decoration and our Sunday School children ushered the General Superintendent into the stadium in style. It was indeed a blessed day.


On 15.03.2009, God blessed us with yet another rally, held at Lenyenye Community Hall, which was honoured by the presence of our church leaders in Africa: church planters from Namibia, Lesotho, East London and Free State. Reports of how God’s Church is growing in various areas and how men and women dedicated themselves towards this endeavour inspired us a lot. Our people at the ground joined us in prayer and we all vowed to take part in making sure that worship places are started at our homes, work places and any place where a small group of people could be able to meet regularly. A slogan was born: CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE IN MY HOME, CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE AT MY WORK, CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE WHEREVER I AM!
On 27.04.2009, we thought it wise to train House Church Leaders in order to intensify our Church Planting Movement, hence we assembled at Lorraine Church of the Nazarene for this purpose. Good reports from members that House Churches indeed brought the church nearer to the people were very encouraging.


Monthly meetings were then conducted with each Zone Pastors to strategies the vision of a big fast growing and viable District of the Church of the Nazarene that consist of Christian, Holiness and Missional people. Series of meetings were conducted which later proved to be fruitful. Each Local Church committed to start preaching points.  By the years 2009 and 2010 the following preaching points  were established:

Mogoboya Rasebalane
Mohlaba Cross Pulaneng
Ramalema Mineview
Lenyenye Bridgeway

Mulati Bonn
Lorraine Mogapeng

Moime Sekgaula
Kgapane Maraka
Metz Taposa
Hlohlokwe Living Waters Now declared a Church
Mabins Botshabelo
Nkowankowa Mohlaba/ Sasekani
Mogoboya Rasebalane

These Branches hold Sunday school and Church services every Sunday and have brought a relief of travel distance for the members who want to attend the Church of the Nazarene but could not manage because of the distance. The efforts of the Pastors to empower members to run these branches were not in vain. There are branches that secured shacks for worship, Christians who offered their houses for worship and the District bought 10 chairs for each branch have made such a tremendous difference in the lives of the members who attend in those branches. This endeavour led to the growth of the Church.


Upon observing that most of the building infrastructures in our District are dilapidated, and that new infrastructure was needed where they did not exist, together with church growth, it was crucial to engage in projects along these lines. I must emphasize that, I have seen Christians in the churches going all out to offer what they have: money, building materials, transport, and going an extra mile to work with their hands in building of churches and parsonages throughout the District. Women also offered their food and cooked for the builders. What a team!
Before I highlight District and Local churches infrastructure, I must thank God for the miracles of financial, material and physical aids we received as a District.  Our Thabeng Church of the Nazarene member Uncle Bob Stutervant, has dual membership: in Africa and in America. He has taken upon himself to give $200 (equivalent to R2000.00), each month from his pension fund, for more than 10 years now, towards re-building of Thabeng Mission. He does this for his love for God and in gratitude for the missionary work done by his parents in Thabeng, when he was a very young boy. As we speak, Thabeng mission, with the joint effort of the Church, Uncle Bob, the Nehemia Department, as well as members and pastors, have extended the church building, drilled water, built a Dining Hall and Toilets.
The Africa South Field assisted the District in 2007 by erecting four steel structures at Bismark, Dzingidzingi, Muyexe and Mhinga Churches. At the same time, the field donated five bicycles to enable pastors to reach out to members of their local churches 
Through the help of the Africa South Field Strategy Coordinator, Rev C. Elliot, WORK AND WITNESS TEAM and the Flint Central Church of the Nazarene, brought The KUNS family from USA to come and build Muyexe Church of the Nazarene.  The Kuns family spent their money for building materials and laboured from Friday 3rd August 2007 to 10th August to make sure that people who used to worship in a cattle kraal-like structure, have a decent worshipping place. An altar, table and six chairs were brought in memory of their departed member who longed to be part of the team.
Alabaster offerings enabled us to finish the building of Mhinga Church. Alabaster also gave us R20 000.00 towards finishing the Giyani West church building. London Lober, a student at North West Nazarene University in the USA, donated R3051.16 towards assisting in the building of Dzingidzingi church. Africa South Field continued to donate R43 000.00 each for the completion of Bismark and Dzingidzingi churches. What a great time it was in November 2011, to see fellow Nazarenes receiving places of worship in dedication ceremonies of these two churches, built in partnership with Alabaster, in memory of Marvene (Gene) Hancock: June 1940 – March 2010
The following is a summary of the projects during my term of office as District Superintendent:


1 The Oaks parsonage Local Church Half way to completion
2 Lepelle parsonage Local church Complete
3 Kgogonwe parsonage Local church Complete
4 London parsonage Local Church Not Completed
5 Metz extend parsonage and build classroom Local Church Complete
6 Hlohlokwe extending of church Local Church Complete
7 Bismark Church ASF Complete
8 Mhinga steel structure Alabaster and Local church Complete
9 Nkowankowa Church building Local church Complete
10 Lorraine extend parsonage Local church Complete
11 Living waters church Local church Complele
12 Xitlhelana church Local church Complete
13 Moime extend church Local church Not completed
14 Thabeng Extend church, built toilets and diningroom District, Sturtevant, Local church Complete
15 Dzingidzingi Church ASF, Alabaster Complete
16 Muyexe Church Alabaster, Kuns family, Local Church Complete
17 Giyani West: finish the church building Alabaster, Local Church Not Completed
18 Mohlaba Church Nkowankowa church Complete
19 Nw’amitwa church site Local church Site Secured
20 Butswana parsonage Local church Not completed
21 Ramalema parsonage Local church Not completed
22 Mogoboya parsonage Localchurch Not completed


When the work is done, it is time to glorify the work of the Almighty! We could not have done it ourselves, hence we came before Him to say: Thank You Lord!
The District, together with the following Churches managed to organize dedication parties of their churches as follows:

1 Mulati Church Building Rev and Ms Rivisi
2 Muyexe Church Building Rev P.C. Elliot
3 Kgogonwe Parsonage Rev M.C Maenetja
4 Dzingidzingi Church building Rev P.C. Elliot
5 Bismark Church Building Rev P.C. Elliot


For the District to be sustainable, it needs to have pastors trained on a continual basis. This District experienced a recession for several years without any youth responding to the call into ministry. We prayed a lot about this situation and also devised some means to finance those who will respond to the call with no finances.  The following are the means we employed to have pastors:


In July 2006, ten students enrolled with Nazarene Theological College (NTC) for distant learning towards Bachelor of Theology degree. These students comprised of local lay pastors and church members who have the quest for imparting Bible knowledge and spiritual enrichment. Due to distance from NTC to Nkowankowa, this endeavour proved very difficult to secure lecturers for these classes. 
Another strategy had to be in place to continue with these classes. With the help of the Ministerial Studies Board, led by Rev R. Chinula, and the newly elected District Superintendent,  Rev E.F. Mnisi, the classes are back on track and I was requested to facilitate the group from 2011 to date.


The Lord blessed our District that we have students starting to respond to the call into ministry. Here are their names:


1 Masingita Pinky Machimana Thabeng 2006 – 2007 Giyani East Church with husband Rev Makamu
2 Daniel Mokgomole Ramalema, financed by Moime Church 2008 – 2009 Pasture Sekgaule Branch
3 Aubrey Wayne Maswanganyi Muyexe, financed by Flint Central Church, USA 2008 – 2009 Pasture Muyexe Church
4 Oupa Ramalekane Mhlaba Cross 2011 - 2nd year student at NTC
5 Ryan Masinge Mulati 2012 - 1st year student at NTC


One of the major challenges in getting students register for Theology is financial constraints due to the fact that most of the youth come from poor families. It was for this reason that during September 2006, as a District, we ventured into establishing North East District (NED) Bursary fund and opened a bank account to that effect. This account is funded by free will offerings during District activities. Members are also constantly requested to pledge into this account.


Several pastors were ordained as Elders in the Church of the Nazarene, after they fulfilled the requirements for such. This shows that the District is also growing in responsibility. The pastors were ordained as follows:

Rev T.S. Moagi Ramalema

Rev H. Mashile NTC 2010 NTC: Dr David Graves
Rev M.J. Mothomogolo Kgapane 2010 NTC : Dr David Graves
Rev S.J. Mokoena Lenyenye 2010 NTC: Dr David Graves
Rev R. Makamu Giyani East 2011 NTC
Rev A.W. Maswanganyi Muyexe 2011 NTC
Rev D. Mokgomole Sekgaule branch 2011 NTC


Throughout my term of office, there are Four main District annual activities which were organized by the District Advisory Board with the help of entertainment and organizing committees. These were: The District Annual Assembly, Easter Service, District Camp and Preachers’ Retreats. In all these activities, we were edified, blessed and grew spiritually


In each year, during January, the District Assembly is conducted by the Africa South Field Strategy Coordinator, Rev C. Elliot, or his nominee, such as Rev M.W. Ngobeni and Dr E. Letswele. All the three Zones of this District: Tritchardsdal, Tzaneen and Giyani delegates attend the Assembly and have the opportunity to hear the word of God, get reports of the progress of the District, as well as vote for the portfolios as need arises. It was during 2012 Annual Assembly, where I delivered my final report and indicated my decision to step down as District Superintendent. Little did I expect the emotional wave that blew over all the members of the Assembly.  All things work together for good to those who love the Lord, for it was in the same Assembly that a young, energetic and experienced District Superintendent, Rev E.F. Mnisi was elected henceforth.


The very first Easter Service in our District dates back to 2006, when Mulati Church of the Nazarene organized the dedication of their newly built Church. It was a joyous service and members “moved a motion” that Good Friday services must be held annually at District level. In 2007 the two zones: Tzaneen and Trichardsdal met at Lenyenye church which was filled to the brim. We grabbed the opportunity to dedicate the two tents donated for revivals by Bob and Gerrie Sturtevant of Ido in the USA. Indeed The Good Friday services started in full swing and in 2008 it was conducted at Lenyenye stadium while the Giyani zone conducted their service at Malamulele. Members organized a march for Jesus, carrying a large wooden cross from Lenyenye church to the stadium, a distance of about one kilometre. 
Good Friday services became a major conference where babies are dedicated, new converts baptized, new members accepted, and all members sit together at the Lord’s Table for the Holy Communion. Through Good Friday services many souls were saved and all Christians had an opportunity to re-live the Last Supper of our Lord Jesus with his Disciples. Each year the number grow to an extent that no local church in the District can accommodate all members for this service. We glorify God who provide pastors with vision for the future, such as Pastor R. Malebate of Hlohlokwe Church. This church has extended their church building to be the largest in the District and it enabled us to have a blessed Easter service therein in 2013.


District Camps are held annually during the September month and are attended by all members. This District is very vast, as such, Giyani zone organizes its own camp, while Tzaneen and Trichardsdal Zones have one camp. These camps run simultaneously in each year. Programs for the camps are drawn well in advance and distributed to the churches to know what to expect. The program ensures that all churches are involved, thanks to Pastor S.S. Mpholoane’s dedication to do this work annually.
District camps were blessings to District members with men of God such as Rev G. Mthembu, Dr Letswele, Rev S. Ndlovu, Rev Chabalala, Rev P.C. Elliot, taught lessons that inspired us to obey God, live holy life, maintain good relationship among pastors and members, as well as providing us with valuable history of the Church of the Nazarene. District camps were blessed services where members praised God with their testimonies, singing and offerings.


In each year during the month of August, we conducted weekend Preachers’ retreat for all District pastors. This is the time where Pastors and their spouses fellowship, pray, learn and sing together. It is the time for a revival and encouragement of co-workers in God’s field. As such Elders from other Districts were invited to teach and preach at these retreats. We learnt a lot from experienced and anointed men of God such as Rev J Mashego, Dr E. Letswele, Rev Mokebe, and Rev Chirwa.  In order for the Pastors to have undivided attention, these retreats were conducted at commercial venues such as previous college of Education and hotels.  Pastors had a wonderful time during retreats, thanks to Dr R. Mhlongo and the organizing team.


I thank God for all men, women, youth and Children who laboured tirelessly to up-bring  our District to where it is today with their efforts to serve God in all the Departments. Each Department would, at the end of the year bring their “sheaves” in well structured and detailed reports of their activities each year. The departments in our District are: Sunday School and Discipleship Ministry International (SDMI), Nazarene Youth International (NYI), and the Nazarene Missions International (NMI).


This Department has claimed its rightful place as the backbone of the Church of the Nazarene by taking the “Lion’s share” in executing its District activities and responsibilities in the following way:


The Pastors and leaders of branches have played a crucial role to see to it that members in the Local Churches use the appropriate Sunday School books to teach classes according to their levels: children, junior youth, youth, young adults, adults and the aged. These teachers were constantly trained at District workshops by District SDMI Council, hence their teachings are very fruitful to members. 


The accomplishments of the Adult Ministries International in our District was pioneered by women, who initiated Nazarene Women Ministry in our District during 1988, led by Pastor N.M. Malebate at a District level. During 2006, this Ministry was continuing to grow and gave rise to the other ministries at District level and motivated local churches to sustain the ministries at the Local churches.

Nazarene Women Ministry

During 2006, this ministry was well established with a strong and functional Council led by Ms A.S. Mhlongo. I encouraged them to draw up a policy of their operation. This policy was very helpful and incidentally laid foundation for the other Ministries that emerged later on. The Women Ministries’ initiatives and achievements are enormous, but I will highlight them as follows.
They organized monthly conferences, during which they conducted teachings to empower women and men in Christian life. During these conferences, they collect money from members, which towards the end of the year, organize Christmas party and give valuable gifts to Pastors, according to the Pastors’ choices. It is remarkable how they have clear record of financial management of this ministry.
When members pass on, or are bereaved, they organize memorial services and offer condolences and exhortations. In order to achieve this, each of the local churches, has an album with photos of their members which are enlarged for the memorial service and District funerals. As a result, members, Pastors and their spouses are given a dignified send off with the sweet melodies of the Nazarene Hymns as well as the North East District flag.
The women ministry also started to interact and conducted District fellowship weekend conferences with the neighbouring Districts which led to the emergence of NAZARENE WOMEN EXTRAVAGANZA in Africa South Field. I am blessed and honoured by God to witness the beginning of this endeavour in 2008, emerging and led by North East District from 2008 to this day. This Women Extravaganza continues to grow mightily to an extent that about 90% of the Districts in Africa South Field attend conference at Good News Convention Centre annually during August. I am thrilled to state that other Districts enjoyed direct encounter with our District. This happened when South Eastern District invited Ms Mhlongo to promote the Extravaganza in their District’s Easter conference, as well as when 70 members of our District travelled to Botswana District’s end of the year conference. We thank Rev Thango and Rev Chikova, District Superintendents of South Eastern and Botswana Districts respectively, for trusting our District members to minister in their Districts. 

Nazarene Men Ministry

It was in 2006, during the dedication party of Mulati Church of the Nazarene, that Mr Ronald Khumalo started to organize the men ministry which is growing fast since then and also has an organized Council. Men conduct Bi-monthly District conferences, and bi-monthly with the women ministry. My heart is filled with joy to see how the two ministries work harmoniously in organizing conferences, memorial service and end of the year parties.
Men ministry have played a huge role by working with the “Nehemia Project”, led by Mr M.P. Mmola to re-build our Thabeng Mission Centre. They worked with their hands, used their skills and offered materials for the building. The youth also joined them and did a wonderful  job.
Mr Khumalo also worked tirelessly to introduce trip of the year for the District members. Men, women and youth, undertake District trip each year to tour and fellowship with Church of the Nazarene members where possible. So far, we managed to go to Lesotho, Durban, Cape Town, Mozambique and ultimately reached Israel! These trips became a blessing when we met with our brethren from other places such as in Lesotho, Durban and Cape Town. In Mozambique, we fellowshipped and also discovered the need to support members materially. In Israel we re-lived the Holy Land by travelling Biblical places, thereby revived our lives. 

Single Adult Ministry and Marriage and Family Life

Our interaction with Drakensburg and Limpopo North West Districts led us to realize the need to start with the Single Adult Ministry. This ministry delayed to have a foothold, when it was launched in January 2010 at Lorraine Church of the Nazarene, by Sister Thandi Ndlovu of Drakensburg District, solely because of the stigma attached to singleness. Another effort to strengthen this ministry was to invite sister Eva from Limpopo North West to our January 2011 Nkowankowa conference and later transported our members to Seshego to attend their weekend conference during May 2011. Now, this ministry, led by Rev J. Mankgele, has a functional committee and is able to conduct its services. Praise God!
In each term, whenever the single adults have their conference, couples also have their teachings in a separate venue. In this way both the single adults and the couples have opportunity to receive lessons directed at their situation. It blesses my heart when local churches such as Nkowankowa, took this ministry seriously and blessed even their neighbouring churches.

Golden Oldies Ministry

 I must again express my gratitude towards men and women ministries, who realized the need to uplift our senior citizens by financing the launch of the very first Golden Oldies Ministry in 2013, just after my term of office. Thanks to Ms E. Komane, director of this ministry and her council, together with the SDMI Superintendent, Rev S.J. Mokoena and Adult  Ministry Director, Ms A. Mhlongo. 


The children are the future of the church and are unfortunately not getting enough attention and teachings that will make them strong believers and ambassadors of Christ as they grow up. It is for this reason that we sought ways to empower our young ones during their tender age in the following way:

Children’s Church

Besides being taught Sunday school lessons, local churches were motivated, taught and encouraged to conduct children’s churches. Some local churches have managed to implement this, and have discovered valuable talents and capabilities of the children to preach, sing, give testimonies as well as give tithe and offerings. Praise the Lord for this!

Children’s Camp

  Ms Mmola, Director of Children Ministry, with her council, managed to unite the three zones of our District in weekend children’s camp for three years now. At the beginning of each year, the council organize workshop with SDMI teachers for the children, give them memory verses, Bible chapters for quiz, and Bible story for a short drama. The under 12 Sunday school children first compete at zone level, then during mid-year schools recess, children from local churches in the District gather at Thabeng mission for a weekend revival.
This is the time where children have an opportunity to exhibit their talents: dramatize, sing, testify, compete in Bible quiz and pray. During breaks, and afternoon, children engage in games and jumping castles while monitored by the teachers. We applaud the parents (most of whom are not members of our Church), for trusting us with their children to participate in this important undertaking.


This is the ministry of our members from 12 years to 40 years. Besides Sunday School classes, these members have engaged in various activities in our District.

The 12 to 15 year-olds

For quite some years this category was not well catered for and it was left to individual members either to attend children or youth services. As a result, the Sunday School Superintendent  was organizing a District conference for their age bracket. I must add that most of our local churches have managed to conduct classes for these children, and I appreciate that so much.

District Nazarene Youth International (NYI)

Our District NYI operate on a parallel bases: Tzaneen and Trichardsdal zones together, while Giyani Zone has its own. The District NyI leaders Mr Lucas Bopape, and now Rev Daniel Mokgomole, together with their council members, have worked so hard to teach the District youth through workshops on how to run local NYI’s. They also managed to organize District NYI annual conferences for four to five days each at various places: Tivumbeni, Maake Technical College, Athurseat, Venda and ultimately at our Good News Convention Centre at Honeydew. The greatest achievement is to unite the three zones during the youth camps. Our youth enjoyed every minute of their conferences, while exposing their talents.

Young Men and Young Women Ministries

Young men and women who reach the transition period between youth and adulthood initiated ministries to cater for their teachings. They organized themselves to have sessions for lessons and fellowship respectively. They invited speakers from the District as well as from neighbouring Districts to teach them. This initiative is highly applauded for closing the gap which is so crucial in the lives of our youth and young adults.


NMI in the Local Churches has always been functional and I praise God for this. At District level our NMI has always been led by dedicated leaders: Pastor L. Mathebula, and later Pastor P.T. Mamiane and their council members. They managed to conduct workshops to teach local leaders on activities of the NMI. They encouraged members to give according to the Church of the Nazarene annual Calendar: Thanksgiving, Alabaster, Easter, Radio, Christmas, etc. They then gave awards at the end of each year. Rev Mnisi, now District Superintendent, through his involvement in the Africa Region NMI, taught valuable information, and we noticed the churches engaging in other NMI offerings such as Missionary Health Care.
During 2010, NMI organized a big rally at Thabeng in conjunction with the Sturtevant family, our partners who reside in the United States of America. The main purpose was to make everybody in the District aware that we have a collective responsibility of re-building and making use of the facilities at Thabeng Mission. Pastor R. Malebate preached an encouraging message. We were reminded to learn from Nehemia who was tasked to re-build Jerusalem. Mr P. Mmola, commonly known as Nehemia, who is spearheading the “Nehemia Project” delivered a wonderful and inspiring message. The climax of the rally was when “Uncle” Bob Sturtevant gave a cheque of $1600 ( an amount of R167 000.00) and the congregation contributed R11 466.70 towards re-building Thabeng. Many people also pledged to give more.
The District trip of the year to Mozambique paved a way for the NMI to collect from District members clothes and other material goods, went to Mozambique for compassionate offerings to our brethren who are less fortunate than ourselves. Actions of compassion at District and Local Churches have borne much fruit and my prayer is that all our church members should have a burden to reach to others not only through preaching, but also meet their needs in love.


The position of the District Superintendent is a huge responsibility which one can only manage when surrounded by fellow co-workers who love the Lord with all their hearts and have the interest of the District at heart. I’m humbled by the support, advises, initiatives of all my brothers and sisters in Christ, be it members or pastors. 


You have been the brain and the muscles of this District. We’ve been through thick and thin together. We celebrated our achievements together, we toiled through hardships and pains together, and we steered this District as a united front. All the projects, departments and activities I discussed above could not have been possible without your tireless effort and willingness to serve God. I exhort that you continue serving God without getting weary for the sake of this District and the Kingdom of God.


You are the extension of the District Advisory Board, and through your love for God’s work, our District continues to grow quantitatively and qualitatively. The departments that you lead have grown to such tremendous responsibility towards the work of God. You have shared ideas that encouraged me to realise that I am surrounded by brethren whom we share the same vision about a viable District. Keep up the good work!


I consider myself a blessed District Superintendent to work with all of you, for I found parents, siblings and children in the Lord. I have heard and seen the way you laboured in season and out of season in your assigned local churches and District responsibilities. You led this District to where it is today. You shared the joy of members who received the Lord as their personal Saviour, when they brought their babies to be blessed in the church, when they celebrated the successes of their family members and children, as well as the youth entering into Holy matrimony. On the other hand you had to endure pains when our church members depart from the earth, or deal with the pains of the bereaved members. All these happened to strengthen our faith and not to make us stumble and fall. I also had my share of both the good times and the bad times:

Welcoming Pastors in the District

Shortage of Pastors in the District has always been a thorn in our flesh. We were blessed to receive Pastors who were called to serve in our District. These are Pastor K.L. Maake of Kgogonwe Church, Pastor H. Kgohloane of The Oaks Church, Pastor Mabusela of Callais Church, PastorT.  Mokoena of Tours, Pastor Mahlaku of Bismark Church, Pastor N.M Malebate of Living Waters Church, Pastor Mamiane of N’wamitwa Church, Rev  Manzhi of Giyani West Church, as well as Rev R. Makamu of Giyani East Church. Your arrival and willingness to lead our local churches are blessings to our churches and the District.

Pastors’ Weddings

I was overjoyed when our young Pastors in the District started new families in Holy Matrimony. The members of this District have shown tremendous support for these Pastors in various ways: visible and invisible. May God richly bless members and Pastors in the District for their love and unconditional support for our young Pastors: Rev and Pastor Makamu of Giyani East, Rev and Ms Mokgomole of Sekgaule branch,  as well as Pastor and Ms Mokoena of Tours Church. The Bible says: two are better than one (Ecclesiastes :9-11); so we are looking forward to your doubled effort in the work of God.

Pastors Departed and Bereaved

The Pastors are the pillars of the local church and the District, because members look upon them when they are bereaved or have problems.  For a Pastor to depart or bereaved was always a big blow to the church, the District and to me personally. My heart was wounded in each case, I felt I needed support as my parents, brothers and sisters went through pains of bereavement. At one stage I failed to be at the funeral of the Pastor as I was too ill to wake up. I recall with pain, the departure of our members and their bereavement, and also with hope that one day all of us will be united and sing together the heavenly choir.


  1. Lorraine
Rev & Ms Mangena Their Son
  1. Nkowankowa
Ntimane Rev Ida Ntimane
  1. Mogoboya
Rev A.S. Monyela His wife Pastor Dinah Monyela
  1. Malamulele
Rev Mhlongo His wife: Johanna Mhlongo
  1. Muyexe
Mashimbye Pastor P.Mashimbye
  1. Tours / Burgersdorp
Machimana Pastor Blantina and Mr Machimana
  1. Kgapane
Maeko Widowed Pastor Maeko
  1. Dan
Rev and Ms Shikwambana Their daughter
  1. Mabins & Lepelle
Rev Mashitoa His son
  1. Giyani East
Ngomane Rev M.B. Ngomane
  1. The Oaks
Pastor Mahlatji Her husband Rev T.J. Mahlatji
  1. Nkowankowa
Rev E.F & Rev F.E. Mnisi Their son
  1. Lenyenye
Pastor Maake Her husband Rev S. C. Maake
  1. Ramalema
Rev T.S. Moagi His wife Pastor N.J. Moagi


We had a wonderful experience during June 2009 to fly to the General Assembly. Our District made history by sending  nine delegates (two members paid for themselves) to America as follows:
NMI: Rev E.F. Mnisi and Pastor L.Mathebula
SDMI: Rev J. Supe, Ms A.S. Mhlongo, Ms M.J. Maenetja.
NYI: Mr M.L. Bopape, Ms A. Letsoalo
General Assembly: Rev M.C. Maenetja, Pastor P.T. Mamiane
Upon return from America, we were empowered with more knowledge of the Church of the Nazarene and we implemented most of the things we learnt there. I strongly encourage members to avail themselves to attend the following General Assembly in 2013.


There is time for everything, and I am convinced that this is the right time for me to move out of the position of the Superintendent of North East District. I have prayerfully put all my efforts to execute my duties to this day. I believe it is time to hand over leadership of the District to whom members, as directed by God have elected. I pledge my full support to the District Superintendent and the District as a whole. I will always cherish the heavy investment that the Church of the Nazarene incurred for the Maenetja family in general and to me in particular
My prayer is for the unity, working together unselfishly as God Himself declared in Genesis 11:6: These people are united and there is nothing they can fail to achieve. I am praying to see the great revival as the song writer says: the great revival is coming! I wish to see the Word of God permeate all villages; and I believe this will happen when Pastors and members are united, support new churches and help them to grow. I remember the late Evangelist, Rev Charles Maake’s statement: “The Church today has financial muscle. If all departments can come together and understand that we all owe to see the Good News spread, not only through NMI; we can achieve more than all of us who depended on Missionaries.” All these will happen when people go according to the Great Commission, introspect themselves,  and allow God to be listened, and not oppose His will. 


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