Friday, 9 March 2018

Mathinyane Frank Mangena (Autobiography)

This book is an autobiography about the life of a full time pastor, who was an evangelist, church planter and icon in the spiritual matters. It is about a man whose boldness and passion towards God’s work has brought vast change in the North East District Church of the Nazarene. He is regarded as a pioneer in Trichardtsdal zone. He has proved that God uses an ordinary person to do extraordinary work. He crafted a picture of servant hood in the midst of various challenges and responsibilities. He led Lorraine Church of the Nazarene for 41 years during which he displayed energetic, creativity, faithfulness, determination, courage, an unwavering faith. He retired at the age of 66 still energetic; he paved a way for a younger pastor to lead the church.


I, Mathinyane Frank Mangena was born 19 February 1947 at Phokeng Village. I am from a family of four, three (3) brothers and a sister of which I am the third born son of Matsie (Mother) and Mphefu Mangena. I was born and raised in a family where ancestral worship was practiced.


I started schooling at Calais Nazarene Primary school in 1960. Because the school was Nazarene we were forced to attend church on Sunday. My love for the Lord developed there. I served as a youth leader and Sunday school teacher for many years in the church. Our pastor was Mr Lot Mahlo.


The leadership responsibility of Sunday School teacher and youth president in the local church opened my eyes in the Divine call into Ministry. This was so because I was to attend all conferences and participate in the District activities. That is where I was convicted that God was calling me to be a Pastor.


I went to Artherseat Bible College in 1968. My pastor who was blind at that time, invited a farmer from Trichardstdal by the name of Mr Tallied , who was a protestant church member. He was impressed about the manner in which I presented my Sunday school lessons. He then offered to pay all my tuition fees at the college until I finished my studies. This became additional evidence that I must go to the Bible College. One of the challenges I experienced at the college was the language barrier; being a Pedi young man, lessons which were taught in Swazi and Zulu were difficult for me to actively participate in class discussions.


I met Thamara Mashego who was a student pastor at the college. We got married in 1971 and God blessed us with four children. Our eldest son, Jonathan who was born in 1971 departed in 2006 in an untimely death. This was a very difficult time for our family but standing up in faith, surrounded by the supporting children of God made us to conquer. Our son Jonathan was tempted to commit suicide, and until when he was murdered. Losing one’s first child is very painful. The incident of this young man was very testing to me. The second son Benjamin was born in 1976, the daughter Muriel Modjadji born 1984, last born son Mahlogonolo born 1991.We are blessed with 3 grandchildren.


I thank the God Almighty for granting me an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I feel honored to be married to this great man. I am a wife of a pastor who was dedicated to the work of the Lord. I enjoyed being the helper of my husband in the work of God. To be a pastor’s wife you have to portray the picture of servant hood with your life. My husband served freely, he had passion with young people. He encouraged them to study. He believed that education is the key to success. I saw the Lord doing wonders of His work through the life of my husband. We supported many families when they were bereaved or celebrating irrespective of being members of the church or not. I feel humbled by God to witness that moment where my husband retired due to old age. My prayer is for unity and church growth in all spheres. Thank you my love to be part of my life. As we grow old together, may the Heavenly Father be honored with our lives.


First and for most, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Almighty for sparing my life and being able to share with you about the life of my dad Pastor Mathinyane. I call him an old God's fearing man who stood firm in his entire life. He was spreading the word of God with boldness and passion. He taught me about life. I remember when we were still young with my late brother; when mom was at the college; he kept the fire burning at home. As children we sometimes get out of hand but he loved us and never gave up on us. He loved his family so dearly; he is a caring father, a loving husband, a friend, an inspiration to the community and a very good grandfather. Today I am blessed to be part of this great family. I am humbled to say to him “Tlou... Mmirwa a shaya lekopo ga se mmirwa ke mmirwaana ” you have been my inspiration, you played your role of a father to us. It is time to enjoy your retirement peacefully with our beloved mom ngwana Mashego Thamara.


I would love to thank God for the parents he has blessed me with. I am proud to have a father of his caliber. He is the father who always shows love to his children. He never gave up on us even when we made gross mistakes. Sometimes I felt that he is too strict on us not knowing that he was paving a good path for us. Today am blessed with a loving husband and two children who call him grandfather. As children we really witnessed his calling by God. He is a prayer warrior. We witnessed him in prayer and fasting. He is an intercessor. He is a marriage counselor to many. Lorraine, Makhutšwe ga Sekororo and other parts of the world listened to his sermons; he laid hands on them in prayer and touched lives from different angles. I thank God for having blessed him with a God fearing woman who always stood by him. We are having a good relationship as a family; he is our best friend. We thank him for everything.


A man amongst men, an advisor, a man of God, a born leader, a friend and most of all a father. Who would have thought that an ordinary man’s life could touch so many people‘s lives in so many ways? Most of the time we did not appreciate his work not because we did not want to but because we did not realize his goal with our lives. Many people would think that growing as a pastor’s child is difficult. If only they knew that it’s a privilege and a blessing! They will change their minds. I personally have learned a lot from him. Many principles that I am applying today in my daily life are working. Today I am appreciating his role as a man of God, a role that he has excelled in. I’m saying this because with the help of God he has encouraged young people in the church to study and he produced doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers and more professionals; the list is endless. He has led many souls to Jesus Christ through revivals that he has conducted and sermons that he preached. He led many young men and women to the Holy matrimony and rescued many marriages from divorces through counseling. All of this could not have been possible without the help from the God that he is serving and the beautiful wife who has been his pillar of strength, partner and a wonderful mother of his children. As much as we appreciate him it is worth mentioning her because behind every successful man there is a woman. A woman with all that you he needed. To Lorraine church of the Nazarene, may God richly bless you and enlarge your territories. We (Mangena’s family) are who we are because of you, your support, prayers and love has kept us going all through these years. My father wouldn’t be who he is if it was not because of you. Mathinyane Frank Mangena my father, I thank you for being the father that you are to us. Thank you for standing for the call of God against all odds. I am ready to follow your footsteps and continue with the baton. I speak to you the word of Psalms 23:6 a “surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.”



After completing my three years diploma, I started serving in 1971 at Thabeng Church. I enjoyed the services and the love from church members of all age groups. We were young; but we were welcomed and respected by people whom we
got contact with. We did not serve this church for a long time.


I was requested to pastor the Church in 1972. When we arrived at the mission we found that there was no church board, all members were ex-communicated due to the fact that they have taken their children to initiation. This practice was against church policy. Traditional practices that were against God’s law were practiced. We started with house visits. We received a warm welcome by the community. The challenge we had was the location of the church which was outside the village. Families that were staying there were relocating to the new residential area. We requested the site from the Chief and the church was relocated to where it is now. The digging of graves at night for burial preparations was practiced at this village. An incident of factionalism in the community with regard to burial of a foreigner of which I was to conduct his funeral brought a turning point in this practice. I made a submission to the chief that digging his grave during the night may put the lives of community members in danger of attacking one another taking advantage of the darkness. I therefore requested that his grave be dug in daylight. That brought a relief to men and the practice was changed to this day, praise God! Methods that were practiced in those days for evangelism were tents, home visits and open air, for church growth. In 1976 we had a revival at Banareng School in which Reverend D.L Mokebe was a speaker. People accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and they brought ancestral materials that were burned and this brought a big change in Lorraine village and the church. One of the open-air services that brought a difference was held. We started singing and preaching at round about 03H00 in the early hours of the morning. Community members were surprised and came to attend this event and people were saved. This was one of the big harvests in our area. I was blessed throughout my pastoral work; I witnessed members who were demons possessed being delivered from the power of darkness, people accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, got baptized and accepted into church membership. The result was that new churches structures, parsonages and Sunday school classes were built. I was blessed to witness young people entering into Holy matrimony. The following are the families of our young people that accepted Jesus Christ, raised in the church and started their own families:

  1. Solomon and Ruth Mmola
  2. Simon and Gelitah Seale
  3. Albert and Rosinah Mashilane
  4. Amos and Jeritah Maake
  5. Samuel and Robina Seale
  6. Lordwirk and Glankie Mola
  7. Samuel and Annah Komane
  8. Peter and Gloria Mogale
  9. Daniel and Loikie Shai
  10. Ralph and Agnes Mathaba
  11. Gideon and Lerato Mangena
  12. Frank and Mohlala
  13. Collins and Philisiwe Madike
  14. Jonathan and Meisie Ramaila
  15. Isaiah and Gift Malepe
  16. Peter Mola
  17. Semetja and Tebogo Mangena
  18. Daniel and Thabitha Mathaba
  19. Clayson and Jude Monyela
  20. Thonic and Masuku Ngwenya
  21. Puleng and Centhy Moagi
  22. Dorothy Lawrence Ramperi
  23. Pastor Jan and Nancy Magowa
  24. Theresa and EdwardMotebejane
  25. Rosina and Dominic Mokgalabone
  26. Irene and Joshua Malatji
  27. Dr Molapo Godfrey and Lizzy
  28. Murriel and Eric Mohlabine
  29. Masenyeki and Ruel Mthethwa
  30. Pretty and Bonginkosi Maseko
  31. Pastor Danike and Mathapelo Kutumela
  32. Cindy and Martin Seale
  33. Tumi and Paul Tiyago
I have learned a lot from members - the manner in which they conducted themselves in serving the Lord. I enjoyed the support that they gave my family when we were happy and during hard times in our lives. Their love, passion, sacrifice, dedication towards God’s work, the way in which they conduct church services, their Sunday school lessons, NMI services and all activities in the church were impressive and they were blessings to me.


I was ordained as church elder in 1975 by General Superintendent: George Coulter at Acornhoek.


I have worked with the following missionaries: Reverend P Bedwell. Reverend J Rally and Reverend J Kanis. I have learned a lot from them, especially their dedication to the work of the Lord.


Reverend D.E Dodds once requested that I should join the Limpopo North West District to serve as a district superintendent. I did not accept the request because I had passion in soul winning and pasturing.


I have served in the following committees of the district.

No: Potfolio Years
1District NYI president(1974 – 1977) 3 years
2District Assembly Secretary(1981 – 1985) 4 years
3District Treasurer(1977 – 2010) 38 years
4District Advisory board(1978 – 2011) 33 years
5District ministerial credential board(1979 – 2013) 34 years
6District Evangelism board
7District Ministerial study board
8Men’s ministry council(2006 – 2010) 4 years

I have served under the leadership of the following District Superintendents.

No: Distric Superintendent Years
1Rev M.A Maenetja1975 – 1981
2Rev R.M Ribisi1982 – 1984
3Rev M.W Makhubela1985 – 2006
4Rev M.C Maenetja2007 – 2012
5Rev E.F Mnisi2013 – 2014


I thank the North East district for the trust and support they shown me as I formed part
of delegation to the General assembly in America. The general assembly that I have
attended empowered me with the knowledge to understand the Church of the Nazarene
and its policy. I implemented most of the things that I have learned.


  • Project management: 1997
  • Malegeru crèche: Chairperson.
  • Lorraine Banareng Primary School Governing Body: Chairperson
  • Semama Mental Health Society: Treasurer 1988 – 2004.


The period of forceful removal of people from The Downs; The Heights and other places
has given birth to these great harvests. Members of the Church of the Nazarene
relocated to different villages around Makhutswe ga-Sekororo and it was difficult for
them to join other churches that were available in those villages.
The members started to look for the church of the Nazarene and Lorraine was the only
mission around. Lorraine church played a very significant role in establishing branches;
monitoring them until those branches were dedicated as self supporting churches.
Members who were leaders of these branches were from Lorraine church. I identified,
developed and supported members who had passion in God’s work.


Our first branch was established in 1976 whereby Mr J Moagi from Jele village now
called hlohlokwe came to the mission and requested us to start a branch at his house.
The services were conducted but this branch did not grow. There were challenges that
hindered church growth.


This branch that did not perform well at Mr J Moagi’s house relocated to Mr D
Mangena’s house. The church had a breakthrough. The revivals that were conducted
in this village brought a great change in the community.
In one of the revivals whereby we pitched a tent, a young lady came to the service like
any other person. She had 120 demonic spirits in her; this spirits were tormenting her
because during examination time she will go blind and it was difficult for her to write
examination. It was one of the toughest experiences we have ever met. We prayed
with her for a month; this caused her parents to be saved and burned their ancestral
staff. Praise God now she is a teacher by profession.
This church is lead by Pastor M.R Malebati from Metz village till to date. This powerful
man of God took the church forward and it is now one of the biggest churches in the
district, largest church building, classrooms and ablution facilities.


I met Jelane Charity Mangena in town (Tzaneen) who was a member of The Downs
Church of the Nazarene. She indicated that she has relocated to Metz village; and
having a challenge because there is no Church of the Nazarene where she can freely
worship God with her family members. In 1979 the church was founded through her
The church is growing well till to date. It was led by Pastor S Seale; Reverend S.J Supe
and now under the leadership of Reverend R Chinula. This church is also doing very
well with a lot of infrastructure improvements.


In 1980 the church was founded by the request of Mampa’s family who were members
of the church from The Downs. The church is functional till to date. It was led by Pastor
and Mrs D Mangena. Mrs Mangena was called by the Lord to rest, what a setback it
was for the church growth. Pastor D Mangena continued single-handedly to pasture the
church until Pastor Mabusela succeeded him in 2012.


It was different with Bismark church. We requested to pitch a tent whereby the revival
took two weeks. As a family we donated chairs and pulpit in loving memories of our late
son Jonathan. The church was planted in 1993 and It is functional till to date. The
church was led by Pastor Ralph and Ms Agnes Mathaba, Rev M.J Supe , Rev R
Chinula and now is under the leadership of Pastor D B Mahlaku. Thank God to the
Missionaries that built the church recently after many years of members worshipping in
a shack.


The church was founded in 1965 by Mr S Maenetja. He was called to rest by the Lord.
We were responsible in taking care of it after his death. We requested the late Pastor
Lordwick Mmola to lead the church, Pastor Gideon Mangena, Pastor D.B Mahlaku. The
church is still functional till to date under the leadership of Rev R Chinula.


In 2009 the Monyela family travelled to Lorraine church for Sunday services; the church
board deemed it fit to establish a branch at the village. Mrs M Moagi was requested to
lead the branch. The health of her husband, Mr F Moagi, deteriorated to an extend that
it was difficult for her to go to church and he has recently passed on. Ms A.K Mathaba is
now the leader of the branch to date.


A young girl, Tebogo Mametja who was delivered from Satanism, from Mogapeng
village pioneered the establishment of this preaching point. She was a dedicated saint.
In 2000, she mysteriously became very sick and passed on. In 2001 we started a
branch in this village in the family of Mr L Mametja, dedicated to Tebogo Mametja’s
memorial. Some challenges still exist, but with God’s intervention, the church will also
move forward. Fortunately, the church site was purchased and fenced. Thanks to the
Lorraine Church for its generosity and the district to fence the site.


I thank God for the love and support that each church gave to the other churches. The
spirit of oneness prevailed in all the churches. We used to prepare a Church Christmas
party whereby we celebrated and a beast is slaughtered for feast. I pray for unity in the
body of Christ.


The moment of truth has arrived! It was a long blessed, innovative and yet challenging
journey. I have run the race; I am having the crown that I will wear on the glorious day of
the Lord with the entire saints. Bidding farewell to the church that I have loved, served
and cherished for 41 years is an honor to me.


He is faithful to his wife and to the church. He is time conscious. Every time when he
ascends the pulpit, he preaches as if he will never preach again. He is a man of
integrity, humility and commitment.
- Mr D Shai. Lorraine church.

He is a born again pastor who is passionate to soul winning. He is humble, patient and
faithful to everyone. He loves children.
- Mrs A.K mathaba. Lorraine church.

He is supportive, spirit filled, enthusiastic, humble and dedicated servant of God who is
willing to bring people to Jesus Christ. Indeed he is always ready to serve people and
not to be served. I will like to make an appeal to our local churches to invite him.
Thanks to his beloved wife for taking care of him. I wish them all the best. God bless.
- Pastor K.L maake. Kgogonwe church

Facts about reverend M.F Mangena. He is known to me as man characterized by the

  • Honesty and loving the truth.
  • Hard worker.
  • Straight talker.
  • Persistence.
  • Financial manager.
  • Full of sense of humor.
  • Good listener.
  • Helper.
  • Full of compassion.
  • Demon fighter.
  • Very supportive especially for the youth.

- Mr Ronald Khumalo: Nkowankowa church

He is a great leader of our time. He is filled with spirit of servant hood. His sermons are
alive even today. You are my mentor. We have worked together in peace and love. The
relationship of a father and a son.
- Pastor M.R Malebati: Hlohlokwe church

He is punctual. He supports young people in all activities that they had. On a personal
note he taught me to know the word of God. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal
Lord and Saviour when he used to come and preach at our church ; his sermons and
lessons have build me to the stage that I am today.
You are a father and a mentor to me. You have played your role in full.
- Mmakoma Mangena: Metz Church

He is a man of God. He loves people equally.
- Mrs Lesaba: Hlohlokwe church

Rev Mangena is a God- fearing man. He is objective in doing thing. He is a very patient
man. He is innovative and creative. He is a good father figure. He gives good and true
life-giving counsel. He listens to other people thoughts and ideas. He does not
segregate people he embraces everyone irrespective of what. A man with a big heart;
who would do anything to make other people feel better in their misery. He is a very
supportive person.
- T.E Mangena: Metz church.

  • He is time conscious.
  • He is a horticulturalist.
  • He is supportive, submissive, forgiving, selfless servant.
  • He is an advisor, counselor, peace-maker and teacher.
  • He does not hold grudges, he is not jealousy and he does not proud himself.

- Mrs M.R Mahlo, Lorraine church

He is an honest pastor. He is committed to the work of God. He managed to assist
many families to solve their problems.
- Mr M.S Malepe, Straussburg Church

As a family we give thanks to God for everything. Rev Mangena prayed for the sick and
where healed in Jesus name. He shows compassion to the needy. He worked as a
marriage councilor. He prayed for people who were demon possessed and were freed
for the bondage of demonic spirits. He taught us prayer and fasting. He strived for unity.
Thanks to Mrs Mangena, she played her role with dignity. She was a mother to all of us.
She encouraged us to keep the spirit of oneness. “Re seke ra lapa mo mošomong woo”
Melodi 217.
- Madike N.M, Lorraine church

I have known him since 1979. I have learned patience, hard- working and perseverance.
He defended his faith in all spheres. He encourage Christians to commit themselves to
God‘s work. He is a good example to both Christians and non Christians.
- Rev M.S Sako, Starussburg Church

“The great elephant!” Thank you very much for the contribution you have made in our
lives. You are an evangelist. A teacher of young and old. You have managed to plant
churches with the help of God. I am blessed to pastor the church that you have worked
very hard for. We have learned a lot from you.
- Mahlaku D.B Bismark Church.

  • He is a leader, He lead by example (practice what he preach).He corrects and teaches.
  • He is a counselor. He mends the broken hearts. His marriage life gives open counseling to everyone.
  • He is a peace maker. His life / character are full of peace. He makes peace with every one (good or bad).
  • Solution seeker. He is a person who needs clarity and clarifying to the word of God and challenges of life.
  • He is full of love. To God. To the church. To his family. To the society.
  • A servant of God. A servant to children, church, community / world.
  • He hates sin and love sinners.
  • He prophesize through the word of God.

- Mrs A.J Tshikalange. Associate member Metz church

You accepted the call of God at a very tender age. Just like Samuel (I Samuel 3).You served people according to God’s will, just like Moses. You stood firm in all circumstances. Psalm 71: 6-9 17; 18. God will take care of you, throughout the stage that you are in. Well come to retiree’s world. - Pastor M.E Maake, Lenyenye church

Thanks to have a father figure like him. He has played his role perfectly. - Yvonne Mangena, Lorraine Church

He is a good Christian who model Christianity through his life. I saw his love, commitment and persistence in the work of God. He is an honest and trustworthy pastor. He did not just preach and teach the gospel but his actions and deeds spoke well of him. I want to thank you for your endurance in your Christian life and God’s work. One thing I can assure you is that your sermons will not become old. If you are requested to preach, be kind enough to do so. - Rev M.W Makhubela, Nkowankowa church

I have known you for a while and I have been taught so many things. Thank you for giving me the courage to hold on. You teach me how to pray, to anchor my faith to Christ the author and finisher of our faith. You are the best father, pastor and mentor any kid in this world would wish for. To our mother, you treated us with respect and love. You corrected us with love not harsh to us but with soft spoken words. I am wishing you and mom all the best in everything you will be doing in your retirement age. - Khomotso Mochetele, Lorraine Church

Faithful servants of the Lord!!! If there is a need of a pastor to mirror Christ, so that pastors to be, and those who are already serving in the field of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ should emulate, North East District Church of the Nazarene is highly privileged to have one named Rev Mathinyane Frank Mangena and his wife. As a young pastor he was stationed at Thabeng Church Of the Nazarene, a well established church, which by the standard of that time could provide for his needs. The following year was transferred to Lorraine Church Of the Nazarene a complete opposite of the first one because all its members were excommunicated. Being freed from self centeredness and glued to others centeredness, Rev Mathinyane and his wife allowed God to establish a very strong church through them. From it many churches were born. Glory be to the all mighty God. His humbleness mixed with boldness made him to be revered by those within the Christian cycles and the community at larger. As a leader in various committees he served, he was good in making sure that his followers are always with him and where he was a follower he always pushed hard to make sure that his leaders vision is realised. A man of well balanced character, who always took decisions with good motives. He was an evangelist. That is the reason he started so many churches in Trichardsdal Area. Every year he used to avail himself to hold revivals in churches which cannot afford to pay for services of the evangelists. To him money or no money people had to receive the word of God, unlike those who use their God given gift of evangelist for commercial purposes. Money wasn’t an idol to him but something that he used for the welfare of his family and the advancement of Gods kingdom. Among many services that he rendered in the North East District, is handling the finances. The most difficult task, he executed successfully to an extent that during his time of service, the district experienced growth and successfully built many churches. His experience in this regard was also extended to other districts where they needed to put their finance books in order. Community organizations also consulted him to assist them to organize their finances. His love for the Lord and the Church of The Nazarene prompted him to prepare for his retirement by building a beautiful house for his family when his time was due. At the same time he extended the personage and made it to have enough space for his successor to be accommodated comfortably. He there for passed the church to new leadership while it was still at its best spiritually, numerically and financially. Above all these, he pledged his hundred percent support, to enable the church to grow further. May this spirit of unselfishness and true servant hood continue to be seen. Rev M F Mangena and his wife will continue to be good examples of heeding the call of our Lord when He says - “the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.’’ John 10:11b - Rev M.C Maenetja, Thabeng Church

He is a committed servant of God. He does not hesitate when it comes to God’s works - Rev M.J Mankgele, London Church

He is a humble, generous selfless, prayerful and anointed servant of God, called as a pastor, preacher, evangelist and church planter. He has displayed his servant hood with dignity, integrity and distinction. His love and passion to fulfil the Great commission remained in his heart throughout his ministerial time. He was always there to close the gap. He has ability to select scriptures relevant to the specific occasions and to preach the Word of God boldly without deviating from the truth. He was always concerned about those who are lost and as such he tried to reach them out. Soul winning was in his heart. He was always willing to hold revivals in churches that could not afford to hold revivals due to financial constraints. Through his visionary leadership, commitment and dedication seven churches were planted. His love, care and respect for others led to a situation where he was also loved and respected by those whom he came into contact with. He supported and respected the district superintendents he worked with. In reality he was their advisor. He was always voted in to serve in many district committees in a year. All of which he served with honesty, diligence and dignity. It is worth mentioning that he served as District Advisory Board member and district treasurer for more than three decades. He supported all district events and activities throughout his ministerial times. He was always there to share, guide and answer questions posed by participants. - Pastor S.S mpholoane, Moime Church.

He was one of the church members of Nazarene Primary School in Calais. He was excellent in memory verses. - Rev L.J Mashitoa, Mabins Church

He is a prayer warrior, an advisor and supportive. He does not segregate people. - Pastor L Mathebula, Mhlaba cross church

Thanks to your teachings am what I am today because of you. You did not neglect us. Am proud of you. - Katlego Mahlo, Lorraine Church.

Rev Mangena, he is my role model who has shown me what it means and what it takes to dedicate one’s life fully to serve God. I have grown in faith through his anointed sermons. I observed that he is a very humble, faithful, determined child of the living God. I have seen the passion with which he served God and never changed his character. I have seen that the old and youth have trusted in him because of his genuine love and dedication to serve God by serving his people. The communities of Ga-Sekororo and North East District have been transformed by his unwavering faith. I wish him a peaceful retirement after a long journey of leadership in the Church of the Nazarene. I am keeping my eye on Mahlogonolo, whom I have seen the potential to take from where he has left, to take the baton and run the race. - A.S Mhlongo, Mulati Church

A life lived in its fullest is a life lived in the fear of God. I am so humbled to be given an opportunity to have a say as the District Superintendent of the Northeast District about the life of this great man (Rev F Mangena). During my college time at the Nazarene Theological College, I happened to study with Rev S.J. Mokoena, Mrs Leah Mashele and Pastor George Mkansi who were coming from this district. The first time for me to know Rev F Mangena was when I admired him as a loving and supporting pastor to the Northeast District Students. I use to wish I were one of the Northeast District Students because of his love to the above mentioned Students. It is true that God gives us the desires of our hearts. It might not be today but surely, one way or other. He gives us the desires of our hearts. I finally came to the Northeast District to serve as a pastor of Nkowankowa Church of the Nazarene. When I came to this district in 2007, he was the one who welcomed me during the welcome service at Nkowankowa. I worked five years with him as pastors and only one and half years as his leader. When we were pastors I have learn that he does not look down on any pastor because he/she is young. The respect that he showed us was so humbling to one. Again as the District Superintendent, it was always a joy to work with him. Rev Mangena well represented the church. He made it easy for us to preach holiness messages because he demonstrated what holy living is. On behalf of the church, I thank him. We shall always have a reference of a man who lived for God in our district. A church planter, Evangelist and Administrator. A man who decide to hand over whilst things a still good. A man who prepares the ground for the coming pastor before he leaves. We thank him for his best leadership. We shall always cherish his good works. - Rev E.F. Mnisi, District Superintendent.


Thank God for saving my soul and called me to serve him in full time ministry. I thank God for the journey of life that he travelled faithfully with me. He took care of me and my family till to date as I retire due to old age. As I move out of the office I give my gratitude to:

  • My dear wife Thamara for the support and sacrifices she made for the sake of my work.
  • My children who supported me all the way.
  • Lorraine church board, church members for their contributions in the work of the Lord.
  • Lorraine ga Sekororo community for accepting me.
  • The Sekgoka Tribal authority for accepting me.
  • Chief of Banareng ba ga Sekororo for accepting me.
  • To all the pastors in the district for working with love and compassionate towards me.
  • To all pastors from different denominations in Makhutswe- Lepelle jurisdiction for working together in peace.
  • I wish all the best to Reverend S.J Mokoena (my successor) and his family.
  • The moment of truth has arrived. I have worked for the Lord. I would like to thank everyone for the love and support you gave me.( II Timothy 4:7).

Humble submitted.
- Rev M. F. Mangena


I am humbled to be granted an opportunity by the District Superintendent, Rev E.F Mnisi to collect the information of the retiring pastor of Lorraine church of the Nazarene Rev M. F. Mangena, an evangelist and church planter who served the church with passion. Coming closer to him, I was overwhelmed by his love, humility, openness, and integrity. He becomes a father, advisor, mentor and my inspiration. The man who made the difference! - Lerato Mangena

Rev. Mokhekhelezi Ben Shikwambana (Autobiography)

This book is an autobiography of a Bi-vocational Pastor, who served God in the deep rural communities of North East District Church of the Nazarene in South Africa. His experiences as both the Pastor and government worker are worth sharing with the world to encourage all who have been called by God into the Ministry. Rev Shikwambana is an example of the Pastor who embraced his call as a youth right through to retirement.


I was born on 09.01.1948 at Mhlava Cross. My father had two wives, my mother was the second wife. Our family endured extreme poverty because my father was unemployed. My father was born in 1906 while my mother was born in 1918. Sickness was another challenge that led to the death of my two younger brothers passing on in the hands of traditional healers. When my last born brother also became sick, I advised my parents against taking him to the traditional healers and I thank God that he survived. That has built my faith to God even though I had not committed to be a Christian by then. My mother also decided to go with me to the Church of the Nazarene. I attended school at Mhlava Primary School where I passed grade 4.


In 1966 poverty forced me out of the classroom and I went to look for a job where Mr Dou near Harmonie employed me for four years as a Foreman. From there I worked for the contractor Mr W. Malungana, I was employed by Skiepper as a painter, worked at Tzaneen Dairy for Mr Ben Jackob, employed by Vitter Frizer in Johannesburg, and then worked at Glenora Fruit juice in Germiston. I then returned home when my mother was sick, to work for a certain white man who disappeared without paying us.


I attended the Church of the Nazarene from 1960 which was pastured by two sisters of Maziti Nkuna family. These two women were the first to have the vision of my calling into the ministry. It was only in 1970 during the preaching of Rev Rosina Boshielo that I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. During the (Vacation Bible School) VBS she told me that God wants me to be a Pastor and that if I refuse my life will not go on well. Rev Jack Ralley called me to help him build Mhlava Cross, Nkowankowa and Giyani Churches. He also told me that God is calling me to be a Pastor, and that if I am willing to go to the Bible School, he will send me there.


Before He sent me to the Bible College Rev Ralley asked me if I were married. I told him tha
t I paid part of the lobola and was staying with my wife N’wamacelele Emah from 1970. He gave me the balance to finish my lobola and sent us to the Magistrate to sign for the civil marriage. He then sent us both to the Bible College at Arthurseat in the 1973. A miracle happened on the 4 October 1973 when God blessed us with our firstborn child after a series of miscarriages for the previous three years.


God blessed us with four children. Emmanuel was born in 1973, he is married, employed as supervisor in Rustenburg. Paniel was born in 1976. He is married and is a manager at Two Mountains in Tzaneen. Patricia was born in 1979 but has met her untimely death in road accident leaving her only son. Mrs Irene Shikwambana is married.


Our daughter who was so intelligent and highly motivated was involved in an accident and suddenly passed on. Her death shook my whole being. I never thought something like that would happen. I had just paid R10 000.00 for her to further her nursing studies in Johannesburg. It took me a long time to deal with her death. I did not know how her only son Tlangelani Nsuku Mathye would grow without her, but I praise God because he is now in grade 10 this year.


I will forever be grateful to the late Rev I Ntimane who paid up my bed account at Tzaneen furniture shop when I went to the Bible College. Although Bible college students were given an opportunity to preach in the church after the second year of study, I was honoured to preach from my 4 th month in the college and sent to Zimmerman Church of the Nazarene with the District Superintendent Rev A. Maenetja where I preached with him for two months.


At this Church I used to wake up early to conduct home visitation and then went to preach in the Church every Sunday. I pastured that Church for two years while I was a student. One day I entered the house of Nziyane family and to my surprise both husband and wife were already dressed up but told me that they are on a journey somewhere because of the sickness of their child. I requested to pray for them and they agreed. During the Sunday School lesson, I saw the Nziyane family entering the Church. After preaching during the worship service I conducted an altar call, my heart was filled with joy to see the Nziyana couple to be the first to respond and came to the altar. Sometime after I finished my studies at the Bible College, I received a call informing me that Mr Nziyana has gone to the Bible College!


During my third year in the Bible college in 1975 I was sent to pasture Dicksie Church of the Nazarene at Manyeleti. The Missionary used to transport me there. I found only few members there. As I conducted home visitation I was shocked that our church members were participating in traditional healers’ activities. When they saw that I have seen them, they disappeared from the Church. When I left the church at the end of the year there were only two members: Mr Ngobeni who was a Ranger at Manyeleti Game Reserve and his wife who was a second year student at Tivumbeni College of Education.


Upon finishing my studies at Arthurseat Bible College, I returned to North East District and was assigned Dan Church of the Nazarene for one year in 1976. The following year the District sent me to Letaba Estate Church of the Nazarene in 1977.




During my stay I was requested by Rev Van der Linde and Mrs Wolmarans to assist in preaching in their Pentecost Church. That is where I won the Sanderson and Sebola families to the Church of the Nazarene. Other members also joined the Church. The Full Gospel and Roman Catholic Churches started to accuse me of sheep stealing, but members insisted that they wanted to be Nazarenes. The Church was built in an orange farm comprising of farm workers who stayed there and work during orange farming seasons. When the farm was out of the season, the people would go home. As a result, I would remain with my wife and children as the only members in the Church. We endured extreme poverty because farm workers did not tithe from their little income. Since I got R50 subsidy from the missionaries, I depended on my relatives to finance my travel to attend District events. I praise the Lord for the families that came to Know Jesus during my ministerial work at Letaba Estate Church of the Nazarene. The members were Mr and Mrs Sanderson who are now Nkowankowa Church of the Nazarene members, Mr B.Sebola in Mhlava Cross Church of the Nazarene, Mr and Mrs Mathye now full members at Dan Church of the Nazarene, Pastors D. Marima and the late Mr F. Rikhotso who joined the I.P.C Church, Mrs Eunice Sanderson, Mr Jack Nghonyama, Mr Thomas Banda, Mr Thomas Matona, as well as Mr Thomas Manganyi and his wife Asnath. We suffered a great loss when Mr Banda met his untimely death in the road accident in 1977. When I look back and remember these families I realise that God has helped me and that my stay at Letaba Estate has yielded much fruit in the kingdom of God.


On my arrival in 1991 there was no church building. The permission to occupy (PTO) the site was also lost. The Africa Region sent people to start building the foundation. I then took it upon myself to re-apply for the site which through the help of the then District Superintendent, Re
v Makhubele, the tribal authority recommended the application and the demarcation board approvedit. It was then that the Africa Region continued to build the Church and it was completed in 1992. Dan Church of the Nazarene became close to my heart as I served God in it. Many members were received and their faith in God grew in the church. The church was like my second family and members did their best to sustain the church through attendance and offerings. My memories go back to several faithful members who were called to be with the Lord. We lost elderly grannies, Mrs Munene and Mrs Malavila. When Mr Shingange passed on, his wife Sharlotte (who is a faithful member of the church to this day) endured hardship from the relatives as well as to bring up her two children on her own. Ms Queeneth Shingange also passed on leaving her children who are now adults. It worries me that her children are not in the church today. Ms Mabedlhe and Mrs Khosa also lost their spouses during my work at Dan. We had hoped that Mrs Khosa’s first born son will continue to support the family, but that was not to be. He met his untimely death in a road accident this year, leaving the family devastated. Praise God for the members that are still active at the church today: Ms Mavis Nhlangwini, Ms Grace Mantshana (at Nkowankowa Church), Ms S. Mathye, Mrs L. Nkhwashu, Mrs Virginia and Florence, Ms O. Mapimele, Ms N. Nomvele, Ms Sharlotte Shingange, Ms Machimana, Granny Malabela, Ms Mabedlhe, Jack Sono, Ms Khosa, Ms Kubayi, Kokwana Masavana, Ms M. Shingange, as well as their children.


In 1978 I was elected to be NYI treasurer and then president in 1982. During 1983 – 1989 I was the vice president. The District awarded me a certificate for the service I rendered in the District. I was ordained in 1983 in Swaziland. In 1989 when I got government job, the R50 subsidy was withdrawn because the church did not allow me to earn 2 salaries. I then requested to be allowed to continue to preach and that was granted. I was then a Bi-vocational Pastor of Dan Church until 2016 when I retired. I thank God who helped me to do his work well. I also thank my dear wife who loves me and supported me in pastoral work. She was never like a mosquito in my life. She did not abandon me even during extreme poverty. My children too, have been my strong support structure even though as parents we never had a salary from the churches that we pastured.

8. FED BY RAVENS! (IIKings17:5-6)

During my Pastoral work I earned R50 Subsidy from the missionaries and jumble sale clothing they gave to us. Besides my family, I was also responsible for caring for my parents and my siblings with food and school fees. My children shared half loaf of bread for lunch and the other half for dinner. Letaba Estate is an orange farm, and we used to pick up low quality oranges thrown away for food. When I failed to pay my R70 account for mealie meal from one farmer he asked if I was employed and I replied that I am the Pastor for the Church of the Nazarene and that I get R50 for subsidy. He felt pity for me and gave me a bag of mealie meal. The Maluvana and Maphosa families, who were not members of our church also felt sympathy and provided food to us. Dr Mahalakwena gave me a car that enabled me to travel to church and to conduct funerals. I worked during the weekends at Mr van der Linde’s shop and my wife worked at Mrs Lombard’s kitchen. One day Mr Thomas, secretary at Minute Maid Juice factory of Letaba Estate orange farm, invited us for dinner, there we had nice meal. As we were going home, he gave us more food, diamond mash for fence, 12 corrugated iron, 4 drums and plastic drum. Then he offered to buy a bag of mealie meal every month- which he did for two years! When my wife got so sick that she became unconscious, Mrs Wolmarans helped me to take her to the hospital. In our disappointment when the hospital refused to admit her, that was the time I had to fully depend on God for her healing. Indeed God replied to my prayer and she was healed. During my ministerial work at Dan Church I was also given a car by Mr B. Sebola. May all these members be blessed by God because they encouraged me to work with all my heart for the Lord.


It was in November 1989 that the late Rev Reckson Mathebula helped me to get employed by the Department of Interior as a builder, the job that I did as
bi-vocational pastor until 2009. After that I was employed by the Department of Health to work at Mhlava clinic as a gardener. That very same year I was awarded a platinum certificate for making the clinic the best in Limpopo province in cleanliness. I worked in the clinic until my retirement in 2016.


Besides pastoral and government works, I served in various structures as follows:

  • I was elected as site steward at work from 1994 up to 2016.
  • I was member of School Governing Body (SGB) for Nkakasana primary school.
  • I was the SGB chairperson of Tinghitsi primary school, treasurer for Sasekani crèche, then vice chairperson of Margaret Shiluvana primary school for three years and honoured with a letter of appreciation.
  • I then served as SGB member for Matlhari High School for six years where I received a certificate of appreciation.
  • This is the third year that I am serving as the chairperson of the Pastors’ fraternal for Mhlava, Sasekani, Mhlava cross and Mageza villages.
  • From 2009 to date I serve as chairperson of Mhlava clinic and Wisani C.B.O. and was awarded a certificate for that.
  • Sasekani village also elected me to be the chairperson of the village council.
  • From 2011 to date the Mhlava Royal Council appointed me to be the Headman for Sasekani village.


I retired from Dan Church of the Nazarene in December 2015 but the church requested me to continue for one more year. I therefore stayed on until December 2016 so that the Church should find my successor. During 2016 I worked so hard with the Church to get the Permission to Occupy (PTO) and I’m glad that soon we shall have a breakthrough. I thank the Lord who have been with me in the ministry. It was not easy but it was worth it. As I step down as the Pastor of Dan Church of the Nazarene, my prayer is that the church should grow. That is the church that I spent most of my life as the pastor and if it is sustained after my retirement, one of my prayers would have been answered!


I was born on 08.08.1957 at Gobye village under chief Mhlava. I passed grade 4 at Mhlava primary school. Seasonal jobs in the farms enticed me to leave school together with my friends. I thank God that made me to acquaint with Rev Shikwambana when he was a church goer. We accepted the Lord together in 1970 and proceeded to the Bible College together. I thank God for the love he poured in our hearts. There is peace and support in our family and nothing worries me in our relationship. How I wish that all pastors should also live in harmony, love and peace so that the world will believe in the God that we all serve. God has enabled us to conquer all the difficulties we encountered in our lives. He used Christians from various churches to help us, he used non-Christians to help us. Foreigners who were bereaved would ask Rev Shikwambana to bury their loved ones. It was a miracle for us to be given free permit to walk all over the Letaba Estate Farm as we wish. During the oranges season, we would see many people coming to the Church of the Nazarene, telling us that when they ask where is a church they can go to, they were directed to our church. We endured extreme poverty and were even mocked by a certain pastor who said he does not preach the poor gospel, that is why he change suits everyday and also drive a car. I also experienced sickness that incapacitated me to care for my one week old baby. For six months, my husband would bath and feed the baby, wash our clothes, fetch water and cook our meals. I therefore learnt from my husband what it means to love someone. I thank the late Rev Ida Ntimane and Mrs Matlebjana who encouraged us to go to the Church of the Nazarene, to work with my hands sewing clothes and sell, to travel to Johannesburg to buy articles and sell as well as to plough and plant mielies and vegetables so that we would not starve. I have told myself that the God of my husband is my God. Even though we are both afflicted with diseases, we are not afraid. We shall continue to praise our God without any doubt. When we live, we live for God, when we die we die for God!



I am the firstborn son born on 04 October 1973 and am married to Gledina Shalati Shikwambana, blessed with two sons, Glenuel and Benuel. I passed matric in 1995 at Mpumulana High School, then passed Diploma in Business Administration at Northern Training Trust in 1996. I did several other short courses and am very much involved in community work. I was brought up in the Church, as such, the responsibilities that I was engaged to do: NYI president, NMI president, Secretary of the Church Board and treasurer have developed leadership skills that have made me successful in my job today. I was raised in a very poor family where we often went to bed without food and had no pocket money when going to school. The Africa Region for the Church of the Nazarene used to send me R20 per month and Christmas toys, as son of the Pastor. My father’s Local Church could not pay him monthly salary, as a result, we were helped by non-Nazarenes like Mr and Mrs Thomas. I have seen my father helping families who had marriage problems and assisting the local Induna with village challenges. I am grateful to the departed Pastors: Rev Monyela for offering me job as a brick layer and Rev Mathebula for assisting my father to get government work. They made a very great impact in the plight of our family. To the Dan Church of the Nazarene, I am grateful for your support, because you gave my father something monthly to help support his family during his work as a pastor and always apologised to him during the months you could not pay him. Thanks for the Christmas gifts that you used to give him and also for often paying his hospital expenses. I believe this Church will grow into one of the largest Churches in the District according to my father’s dream as you work with the new pastor. Thank you for the various roles you gave me to do in the church for they built me into responsible leader in my work situation. My father, thank you for the quality time you’ve always spent with me, guiding me on how to live a holy life and supported me when I experience difficulties in life. You are a friend, coach, spiritual counsellor and motivator to me. I have learnt that when I see others receive answers to their prayers, I must be encouraged that my day is also coming. I am successful at work because I followed on your footsteps of leadership, love, commitment and dedication to all that you did.


I was born on the 28 April 1976 at Shikwambana village, Second born of Rev and Mrs Shikwambana. I started schooling at Letaba Estate up to standard one, proceeded to Nkakasana and Mohlaba higher Primary up to Standard Five. I then went to Mpumulana high school where I passed my grade 12 in 1994. Due to poverty I didn’t go to the university but managed to equip myself with Computer literacy at Remote Computer College in Tzaneen. Then in 1998 I went to Marinkuna College of Agriculture where I received the Diploma in Agriculture. In 1999 I got a job at Ofcolaco at Mohlaba Fresh Produce under Chief Mohlaba 2. Before I work I was relying on my Father to get everything as well as money of between R60 and R110 from Church of the Nazarene at Florida, given to Pastors’ children under 21 years. That money was like nothing to my family because we were starving. I remember one day my brother and I planned a strike demanding enough food because we thought our Father was hiding some money to make us suffer. End of the month he gave us all his salary then we pay all his credits and only left with R300. It was a shock that a pastor and a government worker earned so little amount. We started to stand up by ourselves to survive and to improve the bad situation, I also joined Jesus Film Under Rev.Supe and the departed Rev. Moyo. They advised me to go to the Bible School. What came to my mind first it was the poverty from Church of the Nazarene coupled with the required District Budget. I could not understand why the Church was required to pay the District Budget and failed to pay the Pastor’s monthly salary. I therefore refused to go to Bible School but offered myself to head the branch of Mokgoloboto in 2003 just to satisfy my vision because the Church of the Nazarene is good on teaching and life lessons that will guide children, youth, adults and the aged. As I was preparing to get married in 2004, and there was no income in the church, I joined Two Mountains Company, working part-time to earn a salary. The company later employed me permanently. Working during the weekends made it very difficult to continue heading a church. I worked until they offered me a branch to manage and I managed to get Married to my Beautiful Wife Miyelani Precious Shikwambana and we are blessed with 3 kids, one girl and two boys. Now I’m a regional Manager of Two Mountians Funeral & Financial services. All the challenges I came across were very painful and disturbing but through the prayers of the members of Church of the Nazarene including my parents and God’s eyes upon me I survived till today, allow me to thank the Church of the Nazarene for showing us a living way, and I therefore declare: “ AS FOR ME AND MY FAMILY WE WILL SERVE THE LORD.”
Thank you, my parents for your unconditional love for me, protecting us from harm and guiding us to live a holy life. I appreciate your love, care and the way you raised us out of nothing. Today I am who I am because of your tender care, I don’t have enough words to say thank you, but I believe you understand what I’m saying; my actions speak louder than what I am saying now. Thank you, Papa for teaching us to stand for ourselves and to show us the way of Christ, for taking us to the Christian life and keeping us warm and healthy. Allow me to say many thanks to my Mother who kept me for 9 Months and making sure that I grew up to be the real man today, and now I am proud to say that you have a body guard that will not allow you to be harmed. Thank you! thank you and God bless both of you. Love youuuuuuuu!


I am the last born raised in the Christian family under the Church of the Nazarene, I started as Sunday school child and we used to walk from Sasekani to Dan church of the Nazarene and going back without transport. I used to tell my mother that I was sick because I was so tired to walk. Then my Dad would say: It is fine my girl, but there is no child that will be left behind, all of us must go to church because immediately I start I want to see all of my kids first. I remember I was wearing school shoes to church with a hand sewn dress by my mother. During Christmas times I had to choose between school shoes or dress and when I chose a dress my Father would say: on January will you wear the dress to school? That means you must take school shoes and get a dress from my mother. Those were some challenges that I came across as a child. But I learned to be neat, honest and to be strict in my life. I also learnt to differentiate church from parties and that God is our Saviour even though we experienced poverty in life. The Book of Mathew 6 v25-34 made me strong and who I am today. Now I follow the truth, teachings and love Jesus as my personal Saviour. My Dad is a fighter even if things do not go well but he can stick to the promises of God and continue to serve the Lord in a bad situation. He ran his race well as a Pastor, and I am proud to my parents million times. I am happily Married with two beautiful girls. Thanks to everyone who contributed to my life and family as a whole.

14. FROM THE AUTHOR: Audrey Mhlongo

Having known Rev Shikwambana in the early eighties when I became the member of the Church of the Nazarene he was like all other Nazarene Pastors. On the first of January 2017 when I was assigned the Church that Rev Shikwambana pastured for 21 years, him as a retired pastor, I got to know him better. He and his wife are humble servants of the Lord with big hearts. Their actions speak louder than their words. The qualities that best describe them are: love, patience, humility, trust, industrious, perseverance, goal-oriented, determination and peace-makers (Galatians5:22). I found the Church with no quarrels, a Church where members share responsibility and care for one another. Rev Shikwambana does not complain doing the work of God. He preached the Gospel and also worked with his hands. I’m honoured by God to succeed him at Dan Church of the Nazarene. I decided to gather his life history and wrote it for the world to know him. I believe that he who began the good work in Dan Church will bring it to completion on the day of the Lord (Philippians 1:6). As he retires, I wish him well and pray that he witnesses the Church he laid a firm and solid foundation grows from strength to strength and give birth to several branches.


Dan Church of the Nazarene in North East District salute Rev and Mrs Shikwambana for having been good and faithful servants in the Church of the Nazarene. They counted the cost of being disciples of the Lord Jesus (Luke 14:28). They endured extreme circumstances with their children in order to be true to their calling. All the young Pastors that God is calling into the ministry should emulate their steadfastness to the end. You have fought a good fight, finished the race and kept the faith (2Tim4:7).

Rev Shikwambana’s autobiography was compiled by Audrey Mhlongo on